Spring Varieties:
Cadillac machines come with different types of springs, such as arm springs, leg springs, and push-through bar springs, each serving a specific purpose in clinical pilates exercises targeting different muscle groups.
Spring Tension:
The tension of the springs can be adjusted via the short and long versions of each colour (4 colours available) spring to increase or decrease the resistance level, providing a customised workout experience for users with varying strength levels.
Cadillac springs are made of high-quality imported German piano wire material , this ensures durability, quietness and consistent performance.
Proper installation and maintenance of Cadillac springs are crucial for user safety. Regular inspection and replacement of worn-out springs are recommended to prevent accidents and ensure a smooth workout experience.
Regular maintenance of Cadillac springs is essential to preserve their quality and performance. Cleaning and periodic inspection are recommended to ensure safe and effective use.
*All colours available are a single spring purchase*